Two Dummies talk about their top returning Monsters for Monster Hunter Wilds

Published 2024-06-17
In this video, we discuss out top picks for returning monsters for MH Wilds :)

All Comments (21)
  • @rileymoore7025
    > Two dummies > A parrot > A corvid Brilliant. Peak comedy.
  • @mallow2902
    Seltas Queen has got to come back, she's one of my favorite monsters. She's just so unique, and we haven't had a Neopteron hunt since Ahtal-Ka. Seregios is another one I want to return, as he's also one of my favorites, actually my number 1. I know Seregios was in Sunbreak, but I want him to become a staple monster. Brachydios also needs to come back, such a fun fight and amazing gear. Fully agree on Gogmazios, in fact I think he should be the big final update monster for Wilds' DLC, kinda like Fatalis was for Iceborne.
  • Yes! Agnaktor should definitely come back. Super interesting mechanics, like the Pitfall traps partially submerge him so his weakspots get exposed.
  • @XmortoxX1990
    Najarala is actually a Snake Wyvern, and it along with it's subspecies, they're the only Snake Wyverns ever. I really hope that Wilds give us a few more Snake Wyvers to hunt. Also, excellent list, Thank you for nto doing what everyone does and simple list every flagship and final boss Elder Dragon. I also want to lesser know, and weird monsters in this game. I want most of these monsters back as well. I also want Gravios, Monoblos, Duramboros, Plesioth, Nerscylla and Monoblos (replacing Diablos) back as well
  • I’ve seen a lot of these wishlist videos so far, and the common theme seems to be gen 4. That gen just had such great monsters
  • When I heard the word ""herd" I think of elephant. When I think of elephant. I think of Gammoth. When I think of Gammoth I think of her turf war with Tigrex. Oh and it's her not him. Like irl elephant Gammoth is matriarch specie. Their elder are almost always the biggest and oldest female in the herd. Gammoth herd usually have several popo accompany them as a mean of protection against large predator. In Gammoth herd there are 2-4 adult Popo 4 juvenile popo 2 juvenile Gammoth and 1 elder. In a rare occasion elder Gammoth who got heated and break away from the herd for a really long time might got bigger and stronger but even more aggressive and become Elder Frost Gammoth.
  • @ultrashock1263
    another list with a gigginox mention!! it makes me happy to see more people wanting it to make a return. great choices overall though, zamtrios, naja, agnaktor, kecha, qurupeco, seltas queen and gogmazios are also high up on my personal list! a few others I'd love to return are duramboros, gravios, gypceros, plesioth, nibelsnarf, gobul and nerscylla :)
  • @randomdude4505
    Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax. At full Rise/Sunbreak speed and power. He would body people and it would be glorious.
  • @beech5950
    I won't know if this is an unpopular opinion, but I REAAAAALLY want them to keep gen 5 monsters to a minimum. I'm so burnt out on them.
  • An excellent, and unique wishlist for sure! Especially happy to hear Qurupeco, Oltura (gosh I can't even fathom just how amazing their hunt/equipment would be!!), Nakarkos and Vaal Hazak mentioned. Also about Vaal/Nakarkos: - Glad to find others with a soft spot for those two death oriented creatures! - Vaal is especially interesting with them being implied to be the Rotten Vale's "keeper" in a way. It might be confirmed, but my headcannon is that they're pretty much responsible for the Vale's upkeep/care by keeping track of the effluvium in different areas of the Vale. I believe their theme is also literally called; "The Keeper of Hades"! Bonus: One of you mentioned how you really liked the Coral Highlands and Rotten Vale; if you are a fellow nerd when it comes to general ecology of irl things, I recommend looking into how similar the Vale is to the deep sea! Lots of cool comparisons like marine snow, whale falls, and even brine pools can be made. (That's just a few examples, there's a lot more! 👀) - Nakarkos has a really cool gimmick with using parts from other monsters as weapons- like Brachy's pounders/fists, and Glavenus' sharpening fangs- so they could even give them more to use with new monsters! Off-topic from the Vaal/Nakarkos stuff, but a couple of monsters I'd love to see are: Great Maccao, Paborubarumu (hunting horn whale), and Estrellian. Which, Estrellian especially has some potential with them being a "???" class monster like Gore Magala. Along with the ecology of them using Star Butterflies (akin to Zinogre using Fulgur Bugs) is just so cool. Though, two of those monsters are highly unlikely, I can dream! Sorry for the long comment! Just discovered this channel and I loved the video!♥
  • really cute video, i like the conversational tone to the discussion, and your little adorable birdy drawings
  • We gonna overlook the fact that nibelsnarf will most lilely be in the game, due to the fact of A:desert area and B: theyre adding the ability to pick up barrel bombs that you maybe werent able to use and re-place them else where
  • @lux_less
    Gosh, I'm really really hoping for Gigginox as well as the 3u tundra theme. We haven't had Gigginox AT ALL since 3rd gen, not even in spin-offs, and it pains me so much. Same with Qurupeco. I'm also hoping for Malfestio back, it has one of my favorite designs in the franchise. Now, if I can include a frontier monster, I want Toa Tesukatora to come to the mainline. I enjoyed the hunt so much in Frontier, and I love having ice elder dragons.
  • @Gloop-de-Gale
    I want quarpeco, but I doubt tizi yaku or namiel will come back cuzz there exclusively evolved for coral highlands
  • @splatonk
    Actually recently fought vaal hazak, and he enters his lair through the pool of acid water so there is definitely something to be said for an aquaric ancestor
  • @hypo7351
    I think these lesser known monsters would be nice. Though I do wonder how some of them would fit into the story from what we’ve seen so far
  • @kenohere
    I'd like to see Great Jaggi again. We've seen their smaller variants recently in rise, and with the whole pack tactics gimmick it had, it'd be neat to see them in wilds. (Also we last saw Great Jaggi in 3U, they didn't even get into GenU).