Kamala’s biggest weakness exposed in latest ad

Published 2024-07-29
Kamala Harris’ weaknesses have been exposed in the latest ad released by the Donald Trump campaign, according to Sky News host Rita Panahi.

The ad resurfaces Ms Harris’ tweet where she called for people to “chip in” to a fund which helped post bail for Black Lives Matter protesters in Minnesota.

The ad finishes with a graphic saying Ms Harris has failed, is weak and is “dangerously liberal”.

All Comments (21)
  • @ramsey6681
    "You're looking for problems and antagonising me." That woman just summed up the whole 'Trans' scam in one sentence.
  • @efjefe
    Why is Australian News better than the trash in America?
  • Lord, i love this woman. No problem calling out stupidity. Humor and sarcasim are on point. Keep up the good work. We need to watch australian news to get true news about our own country.
  • @Ǿœ0œǾ
    Imagine saying Trump is a threat to democracy while your party won't even let you pick your nominee. You cannot make this stuff up.
  • @debijohnson9478
    Doesn't she just make you sick? Could you just scream at the thought of her as president of America I wouldn't let her even join the PTA
  • I'm sick and tired of the freak show so I will never vote Democrat ever again.
  • She is right it's not radical Islamic terrorism it's normal Islamic terrorism
  • @toph4tube
    This country is crazy if they vote Harris in as president.
  • @LEAST3
  • @vierbrandon
    Voting for Kamala Harris instead of Joe Biden is like changing your shirt after you shit your pants
  • @user-pp8co8er6o
    People like this make me sick always yelling ,,race or you treat me bad cause Im trans ,,or Your violating my rights ,,They make me sick ....
  • @Tush_21
    a man identifying himself as a woman , broken world
  • @mitsuturbo
    I see Rita, I click like. Simple as that. This lady is an Australian national treasure!
  • @bigsarge8795
    And now BLM is denouncing Harris... oh the irony
  • @ddrogue474
    As a Minnesotan (born and raised), i am ashamed that this happened! And she is considering our governor as her running mate! Trump 2024!
  • @tonymac4044
    this entire administration has not even a drop of integrity