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Published 2016-01-19
☆ Omigosh look, I shared a project!!!!! Amazing, right?

☆ Please not that there are no spoilers about The Force Awakens in this project, but I expect there to be some in the comments...and I won't be deleting spoiler comments. So if you haven't seen The Force Awakens it's probably best for you not to read comments, although the project is 110% spoiler free :)

☆ Green flag and arrow keys

☆ This project explains everything from why I haven't shared a project in so long, to how amazing The Force Awakens is! Please read through the entire thing :)

☆ In this project, I said to expect 2-3 projects a YEAR from me...although I'm realllllly going to try to make more fun projects for all of you!

☆ Credits ☆
~ Music - Rey's Theme by John Williams (from The Force Awakens)
~ Fonts - DISTANT GALAXY from fontsquirrel.com and Century Gothic from Microsoft Word 2013