A little competition for those that want to join

Published 2023-03-04
Once there is enough people, the competition will start.
There is gonna be a tournament bracket which will show who you are up against. Each player has 2 weeks to finish a making a fight of their chosen sans au.
Example: The chosen Sans AU is Dust Sans, both you and your opponent will have 2 weeks to make a dust sans fight. The requirements for how the fight should turn out will be explained in a bit.
By the way your opponent will not be chosen but rather, it will be decided by rng.

The fight should be at least 6 turns long. You can have more than 6 turns though if you want to.
HOWEVER, if your fight is a survival fight (one long turn fight), then it must sync with the music or smth. If it stops midway, it will lose points.

These are the things that will be judged:
-if it can run smoothly without crashing (if it crashes a lot, then its unplayable)
-The difficulty of the fight (If it’s too easy, too hard, can it be no hit, if it’s not no hittable then is it on purpose for some effect, etc.)
-How much did you follow the sans au you were assigned? (If halfway through the fight it changes to something irrelevant, then it won’t count. If the entire fight is not relevant, then you will lose a huge amount of points)
Dragon will be the one playing and judging the games, not me cus I suck lol

-Questions that I thought of on the spot-
What happens if you win against your opponent?
You move on to the next opponent, duh

What happens if you win the entire competition?
Idk ask dragon, however if he can’t come up with a prize, then idk lol

What’s in it for you if you join?
Free Clout and attention. Heck it may even bring in some attention to projects you think are underrated.

I don’t feel confident in how I make games and I’m not sure if I should join…
It’s fine if you don’t feel confident, it’s also fine if you don’t join, and it’s fine if the game sucks. If you lose, then it’s okay because at least you tried. If dragon roasts your project for some reason, then I’ll try to help you out.

Am I joining the competition?
Sadly no since I’m still busy with UoA and a lot of school related stuff. (Unless you are willing to do math for me UwU)

What is a sans?
A sans is a funni skele guy that makes puns for a living

If you have any more questions, go bring it to @Dragon_113