
Published 2022-12-17
check inside the project for a link toooo.. me

Update/Edit: Hi, It's me. i'm still not coming back to scratch. I've lost intrest in coding on here, and find it much more easier to use editing apps for my videos which I post on youtube under the user notmilo24/Ari the bear. Go check me out there if you still want to support me. It's all for pure fun, so you don't have to subscribe.
I've been working on myself and getting out more, I changed my life alot for people who didn't even do anything for me, so i'm just trying to get my old life back and get into old hobbies! My life has changed so much since I quit. Im moving countries, I got glasses, I've gotten surgery. I'm basically just focusing on myself, which Is something I didnt do before. Get rid of anybody who is rude to you, it will improve your mental health alot! and thats basically all I have to say, I doubt people will see this anyways lolz :) -Aria, not 'milo'
(Edit: removed a part that was a bit mean in my previous edit lol)


Internet Ruined Me - Wilbur poop
Removed the song. Support victims.