Cash Coin Collector (CCC)

Published 2023-01-06
Update 0.5.1:
-UI Updates
-Pedestrian Toggle
-Pedestrian Happiness
-Fixed loading speed rounding error
-Speed potion no longer effects pedestrians
-Potions now disappear when you use them

Update 0.5:
-Added dust for all coins
-Added the speed potions and upgrades
-Added the value potions and upgrades
-Added the coin# potion and upgrades
-Many bug fixes and small game play tweaks

Thanks for 200 views + 10 hearts and favorites folks (:

Update 0.4.3:
-Removed naming pedestrians because it was broken and I don't want to rewrite all my code.

Update 0.4.2:
-Added pedestrian naming because it's kind of funny. (It doesn't save right now but it will in the future)
-Made Player and PD speed cost scale slower because you got too fast too quick.

Update 0.4.1:
-At long last, saving.
-Changed rotation of the player and pedestrians actually go in the direction of movement.
-Lots of bug fixes and such.

Update 0.4:
-Blue coins which give 250
-Blue coin Value and Rarity to buff up the blue coins
-Added some faces to stuff.
-Added cheat detection so sorry to all the people who were cheating
-Added tabs to more easily navigate the shop
-Nerfed pedestrians
-Made spinning actually go with movement
-Oh also a thumbnail lol

Update 0.3:
-Added pedestrians to collect coins for you
-Added PD speed and Size to make them collect better
-Fixed bugs with red coins.

Update 0.2:
-Added red coins which are worth 50 coins.
-You can upgrade the rarity and value of red coins to make better red coins

Update 0.1:
-Original beta release. Very small and incomplete.