my final goodbye. (Read description)

Published 2022-12-04
It's so hard to say goodbye, especially to something that's been apart of the majority of my life but here it goes. I've had so much fun with my almost 9 years of being a scratcher (if you didn't know my original account was @sonicthehuman) and met alot of good people and cool friends. I promised that I wouldn't leave scratch until I finished Sonic Genesis Age 2 but I'm sorry to break that promise, I had all intention of getting it done but with a lack of an idea and focus on my end I can't finish it. Scratch was the only platform that gave me any enjoyment of being on and it's because of all the people who enjoyed my goofy little projects, thank you guys. If you were around since I did pokemon projects you would know that I would take frequent breaks and would be pretty long ones. Im pretty deeply depressed as i feel im worthless and have no one in my life, you guys made me feel like i had some kind of worth. I usually get close to people because of it so I don't leave them worrying. I really don't want to leave but I kinda have no choice but to. Love you all, this has been mewtube47. Take care.