
Published 2009-06-05
Castaways were washed onto an uncharted island. There they found a machine that could bend reality. Most thought of it as a way to escape, one thought of it as power.
That one is you
Use the Pckt-Gd01 to torture your castaway mates into your view of how to use the machine.

USING Pckt-Gd01

Click and drag the castaways to fling them. Throw them in the ocean, in the sky, whatever you want.
Fling castaways (while holding the mouse down) to bash them against each other. How fun is it to make castaways each other?
If a castaway dies, click the plus button under the menu to bring him back.
Click the water to make a huge tidal wave, even washing away the tree.
Click the tree when castaways are under it to make the tree fall and squish them!
Use the left and right arrow keys to tilt the island! Make those castaways fall off the island!
--------MENU (Only read this part for instruction and description of using menu items)
click the fire button to have fire around your mouse. Press space to get rid of it. Burn the castaways or the tree!
Aim and press space to fire a huge beam, doing something different to each castaway!
Its crunch time! Pulverize the castaways by pressing space above them. Press Z to get rid of it.
Summon an egg and bash it against the ground 4 times to make a Godzilla pop out! He will make short work of the castaways
Summon a vampire bat to bite a castaway, turning him into a vampire and killing his mates! Once they are all dead, the castaway changes back and sees what he's done.
The island checks how many castaways there are and resets the size of the castaways to make them all fit!