Image Editor

Published 2021-08-08
Do I need to explain how to use an image editor? Probably not. It works just like any other app does.

Here is some extra documentation:
You can also share saves there.

Use TurboWarp if you want more performance or want to disable the list limit (for higher resolution).

> 32-bit RGBA
> Undo (1 step only).
> 100% touch-screen/mobile friendly.
> Panning and zooming.
> Paint tools - rectangle select, colour picker, pen, eraser, flood fill, line, rectangle, and oval.
> Various effects and processes to apply to an image. Use the rectangle select to only affect one part.
> Saving and loading in various formats including TextImage, PPM and BMP.

Keyboard shortcuts:
[W][A][S][D] move
[↑][↓] zoom (scroll wheel also works, holf shift to prevent the page from scrolling instead)
[Q] toggle high quality rendering
[G] toggle grid (for pixel art making)
[I] import (load image)
[E] export (save image)
[Z] undo
[X] cut
[C] copy
[V] paste
[M] mouse tool
[B] box/rectangle select tool
[K] colour picker tool
[P] pen tool
[F] fill tool

When you start up the project, you may experience some lag in the first few seconds. This is normal. It is needed to calculate your computer's capability to optimise rendering.

Decimal to hexadecimal converter - @EncloCreations
HSB/RGB Converter - @papipupepappa