Why 2020 CrankDaE S***s

Published 2021-06-06
WARNING. This desc can actually make you hate me. If you still are sure if you want to read this, then READ CAREFULLY.

So, why I hate 2019? Well, actually, 2019 was a very very good year for me (Just about as good as 2018). Cool stuff, exciting moments, and most of all my first year of Youtube. But there is ONE month that ruined it all. And I think you guys may be shocked when I say this. It's not February, Super Ultimate Run! It's not January either. It's not April, I have memorable moments of that month. And it's not December, I came back to life then. But scroll down to see what month ruined 2019 for me.


Why @MarioGaming45753. That month is really good. Oh boi @MarioGaming45753 Halloween for you will be really bad this year 2020. BUT MR. BEAST PLANTED LIKE A BILLION TREES IN THAT MONTH!!!! HOW DARE YOU @MarioGaming45753. That's it you are grounded until you like that month.

No. No. No. I DO NOT hate October itself. It's just October of 2019 is so overwhelming. Beginning of that month I was enjoying myself. But the next thing I know is that I'm in a 8 hour flight to _______! Yep, I HATE OCTOBER OF 2019. In fact, it is so bad that it made me hate 2019.

Super bad days in that month:

1 (Missed a bus due to rain), 2 (had to say goodbye to my best friend since 2016), 8, 9, 16 (AIRPLANE.EXE), 17 (In a hotel, waiting for a new house), 18, and 31 (Literally no Halloween treats!).

Well, that's all. I can't explain to you any more details about why this month in 2019 shouldn't exist. Normally this month is good (sometimes the highlight of that year). But in 2019, it's a BIG no-no.

Thanks for reading. I don't hate that month.