Published 2020-06-03
This project is for awareness and possibly debates if someone wants to. Occasionally, I will post something in the comments, usually a fact/instance about discrimination. I'm looking to redo the notes below because it isn't pride month anymore and some things are faulty.

June, Pride month, with protests and riots happening throughout the USA because of racism and police brutality.
Don't forget that Pride was a riot. Don't forget that Pride is a protest.
If you don't support queer black lives, you don't support #blacklivesmatter, same with trans black lives(because this needs to be specified), with disabled black lives, with neurodivergent black lives.
You cannot celebrate Pride and be against the riots at the same time. Pride is the celebration of the Stonewall Riots. The Stonewall Riots were specifically against police brutality, and transgender women of color led the way.
The police system is corrupt, even if you say one of your relatives, friends, family is an officer and 'they're a good cop'. It's the whole system and the whole country. The President is corrupt. It's a bad world, and we hope that it will be fixed.
Police are literally commiting war crimes: attacking reporters and medics and destroying medic tents and water supplies.

A list of cops who were punished for doing the right thing:
Curt Stansbury, fired for exposing corruption
Shanna Lopez, fired for reporting cop who was a predator and racist
Stephen Mader, fired for not shooting a su*c*dal black man
Joe Crystal, fired for turning in fellow cops for police brutality
Laura Schook, fired for bringing up discrimination and misconduct from her coworkers.
Andrea Heath, driven to su*ic*de because of the harrassment and intimidation when she brought up the excessive force used by her coworkers

My opinion on things below, I will debate as respectable and reasonable as I can, but you can leave it you won't be.

You people saying 'All Lives Matter' 'White people matter too'. Sure. Humans are humans. But what if you broke your arm and had to go to the hospital, and the doctor started checking your leg bones after you told them the problem? "Hey, my legs aren't broken, my arm is." "But all bones are just as important, I need to make sure that these are good." "Okay but. My arm. Is broken. I'm in pain."
And my view on the riots:
I support the riots. Peaceful protesting hasn't worked and it isn't working. Martin Luther King Jr. said that 'Riot is the language of the unheard'. SO HEAR THEM.
The police system is corrupt!
@htes brought up a good analogy for the riots, too. If there's a fire, you should put it out, just like the police put out riots, but again, if there's a fire, you should also figure out the source of the fire so it doesn't happen again. Now, we know what the source of the riots are, but they keep happening because no one's doing anything to help the people.
Art by birdofprey1234 on tumblr

#blm #blacklivesmatter #pride #lgbtq