Scratch Demos

Published 2020-05-03
So, I made this because I was inspired by an app called hopscotch. Which is like scratch but on mobile, and you have to pay. Anyway, I used to be on hopscotch before I was on Scratch. And I made a lot of simple projects like this. I made this due to my checking back on my old projects on hopscotch, and it made me feel nostalgic. So, I wanted to make something with that same vibe know? Some demos in this are inspired by real things in hopscotch. My account on hopscotch is Doughnutsz, and I no longer use it. So, yeah I guess. Also, I was thinking about quitting Scratch a while ago. I know one day I will quit it but I don't know when. If I do I might upload all of my unloaded projects and I might share my disc. for those who are interested if you want to contact me. Sorry, this isn't a meme video or anything like that. I think my next video will be a meme one but IDK. okay, thank you for reading this and just play around with the demos or something.