
Published 2014-09-10
write in the coments which is your favorite!
and NO they do not look like that in the game always your charector is completely customizable cuz the armer color u can change but this is how u start. U have to buy, loot, or unlock the paint
Its out now and you should really get it. you've probobly already know what it is but here are the class of avatar that you probobaly don't know.
My favorite game that im gonna get for christmas whitch is like 3 months away. yay
Personaly I think I like WARLOCK most but now i feel like the HUNTER cus im good at dodging bullet in these 1st person games but some times i feel like TITAN so i can avoid dying not because they look so EPIC i like them because of their abilities witch u could probably not geusse...
Hunter can sommon a firy firearm of "solar energy, warlock can shoot "void balls" into the air, and titan can become invulnereble to practicaly all attacks
I have the manual out of my allowance so I know alot about the game but even tho its at least 300 pages it still won't last :(