Microphone Visualizer

Published 2018-04-28
|Microphone Visualizer|
▶ Get This Featured: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/4228481/ ◀

▷This project wont work unless you have a michrophone◁

This project shows the volume of your michrophone and shows a little graph of it as different volumes of sonds go through it.

When you first try to play the program it will probably ask you to enable the michrophone. Press yes, then speak to your michrophone or just play music into it. This should show a pretty display on the screen. If it does not work try moving the Fake Michrophone slider.
Furthermore change the sensetivity to make the graph the correct size.

You can also play in Turbo Mode (Shift + Green Flag)
My story - https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/196178618/

I support Cystic Fibrosis and would love if you would learn and
support too :)

#Support4CF: Someone with Cystic Fibrosis - @Kittens360
Learn more about Cystic Fibrosis - @Support4CF
A story from sombody with Cystic Fibrosis:

Into & Tobu Cloud - Intro Music- ♩♪♬