Which MIT Student Are You?

Published 2017-12-22
-Being curated by @oriquack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-I never know what to put here XD

-I still have no idea what in the world to put here

The MIT Student is a fictional book that I'm writing. If you got a character (only Eric, Dylan, Summer, and Reilly are in the chapter's I've posted on scratch.) and you want to read the book here's the link to the first chapter: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/159065336/

-Please tell me about any spelling errors, any more questions I should add, or any other improvements you can think of. (also how do you spell squirrel?(is that how?))

*This is just a project. What you get doesn't mean you are like that*

A huge, huge thanks to @Echo-off. I would still be working on this past New Years if Echo hadn't helped me with list instead of 20 variables. I love having you help me and I always learn some much when you do.

Thanks to @AnaniAnime for your character maker.

Shared- 21/12/2017
Update- 26/12/17 (put in Reilly's backdrop)
Update- 3/1/18 (change answer fro Summer and Dylan)
Update-11/2/18 (just wanted to seem productive so i wrote update)