Voice Flee! | A Microphone-Based Game!

Publicado 2017-05-20

Hi everyone! Basically, I had this for a while on my old account, then un-shared and forgot about it. I was really stuck for ideas a while ago and went rooting through my old projects for inspiration, where I found this! :D I spent a while redoing it and everything, and here we are!

Make sure you sit in a near silent room! Sensitivity up to about 12 can ignore light music in background (e.g.radio). The louder you speak/sing or hum the further the pink circle moves across the screen! It will go to edge of the playing area if you are silent.
In the game, the pink circle is your character. If you get hit by a purple asteroid, the game is over.
If you want to adjust difficulty/sensitivity, click on options first. Press home button instead of flag to start over else money won't save.
The game gets progressively harder (on your second go there will be more asteroids than the first) even if your difficulty is easy. If your computer (generally desktops) hums, then turn the sensitivity as low as possible!

This took me ages, especially as the highscore kept crashing xD :/