robo-sharky DTAE Ajaxø (3rd desgin)

Published 2024-06-15
Name: Catch-22 (ca-ch-twen-ti-too) or Ajaxø (a-jacks)
Gender: Agender (they/its)
species: robot (akin to a shark cats)
Catch-22 is a science experiment the gained conscious, the scientist felt bad for it being trapped in the lab, so slowly bit by bit, they introduced it to the wild, and taught it how to hunt, swim, hide, and fight. after 1 year the released it into the wide, it joined all the other shark cats. when it joined the other shark cats, they were unsure of catch-22, leave catch-22 alone most of the time. advetuall someone made friends with them and decided to give catch-22 a new name. catch-22 was renamed into Ajaxo (A-jacks-o). because Ajaxo is a robot its is immortal so eventually outlived every other shark cat in that village, and now lives in a world of the new shark cat and dog city.

the weight of the name Ajaxo was to much and it didn't fit Ajaxo anymore. but they didn't want to completely get rid of the last memorie of there best friend, so they just made the O silent, making their name now Ajaxø. Ajaxø now inhabits the deep oceans and the secret city of shark cats and dog. you can often see it walking around with several fish in there mouth.