Above the Clouds

Published 2022-07-19


Above the Clouds is a Titan Souls inspired game. You are the first human being to see what's above the clouds, and it's not friendly. Each god has 1 weakness you must find to defeat it.

We wanted to make something that gives you a sense of freedom & control as you learn to control your flying contraption and soar above the skies. We hope you enjoy it!

Made in 2 weeks for Pixel Day 2022.


  • Steer with right/left or A/D
  • Control speed with up/down or W/S
  • Fly under/above clouds with E or I
  • Shoot your hook with F or J

M to mute. P to pause.

Automatic saving

The game saves after each boss you defeat.

So if you are going for the "Flawless" medal, you will need to clear save data from the main menu if you die. If you die before defeating your first boss then you'll just need to restart the game (refresh).

Update Jan 25

  • Shooting hook no longer freezes player
  • Made Sky Serpant a bit faster to defeat
  • Gave player a second of invincibility when Raven Queen spawns
  • Fixed a bug where the camera doesn't follow you correctly when spawning the Raven Queen after earning the secret medal