Strange New World

Published 2010-08-13

Strange New World

Strange New World is a find the difference game that I collaborated with TheRealShadman to create. It is based off of his Newgrounds Art Portal submission, "A Strange New World" (you can see the original here /art/view/therealshadman/
a-strange-new-world). We thought this image would make an incredible story based Find The Difference game.

In Strange New World there are 9 levels in total and 5 differences in each. Solve each level to uncover the secrets of the "Strange New World". It goes in the same sequence as TheRealShadmans original piece so you can follow the story by solving each level. To uncover a difference simply click on it with your mouse. Press P to pause and M to mute the music. Can't solve a level? Simply click the walkthrough link in game for the full solutions.

Art/Level Design by:

Programming by:
Maxwell Stein