Goat Runner

Published 2009-01-25

This movie was made as a tribute to the Vad Flaaten twins "TT: 002 Runner I"
Their runner was in turn inspired by Mraw's "-SillyStopSkateMation-"
They made theirs taking pictures of every frame they drew. My camera isn't good enough to make that look good. So I scanned mine. It came out as a different style, but the concepts the same.

I've been making this the last 3 days in between finals. Good way to kill time when I'm not up for studying.

The drawing style is even different from the original.
I used pencil and pencil crayons instead of markers.
And my character has a full body. But this was inspired by a picture Tommy posted on CampNorth a while ago, staring a full body runner in a hat.
Hopefully some of you understand the reference at the end ;)

Sit back, enjoy the silly colors, and simple pleasure of the story.