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Moneypit Homestead

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Moneypit Homesteadの説明

Hello, my name is Donald and my wife’s name is Lisa. This channel is something that we decided to do because we wanted to leave something for our children as well as grandchildren to enjoy after we are gone.

It is also about building our farm and turning it into a real homestead as we get ready to retire. So please join us as we live this wonderful life and share with you the good and the bad as well as leaving wonderful memories.

Hopefully, you will want to watch and enjoy and we will make a few good friends along the way as we do everything that we need to do on this farm without going broke!

Well… there are a lot of reasons we have named this the Moneypit Homestead! So with that being said, please join us on this journey of real country living here in Central Kentucky as we leave something for our children and grandchildren as well as you to enjoy.

Moneypit Homestead
P.O. Box 624
Leitchfield, KY 42755

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