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One side control's 95% of all media (written, mainstream, radio). They make up almost 80% of college professor's (Pew research) as well as the vast monopoly of grade/High school teachers. They buy their way into everything including having the very elite and big business backing them so much so that they spend more than a hundred million just to buy elections. Vote against more secure voting (to uphold your most precious of constitutional right's) as then they couldn't cheat. A entire highly intelligent productive people made to seem helpless to get votes.

This is the world we live in and I could continue this subject for days but sadly don't have the room. Only 1/3rd of the country votes, please vote and change this evil, lying, corrupt, elitist's rescheme that control's our country. Let's vote in numbers that they can't cheat due to such high volumes! A period where movie stars, sports players, entertainers control the society. Smh are we so helpless to let this happen?


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