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Gary Micheal May-McGill is an American Actor /Entertainer/ Singer-Song Writer/Film Maker/ Comedian/ Producer /Editor/Activist /Psychic medium His Mission is to Spread Love into the Universe His YouTube Channel is called Camp GMAY the Channel is an Original MUSIC VIDEOJUKEBOX an Elaborate Mixture of Gary Michael May and Tribe Sunshine Gary Michael May-McGill Also Hosts an Open Mic Jam LIVESTREAM 7pm to Midnight PST EVERY Sat night Everyone is welcome play a tune on the Open mic virtual stage or Just Hang out and make friends. Camp GMAY and Gary Michael also Hosts LIVE Virtual Festivals and Concerts WE are Always looking for new artists to join and collaborate. Like Subscribe and leave a comment Contact: [email protected]

We reserve the Right to change our mind at any time We use 99.9%OUR OWN MUSIC
95% of OUR OWN IMAGES (We do use about 5% of Images used in this video under sec 107 ) ( the Views of Camp GMAY

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