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Regan Benson

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About Regan Benson

WARNING: This channel contains R rated language & is not always appropriate for children.
If you can't handle that, this channel content is not for you.

My channel is currently in a re-branding process. For those of you that know me and my non-profit work, that chapter has officially ended.
You'll find a variety of historical interactions on this channel that pertain to homelessness in Denver and the metro area. You'll see how cruel and inhumane Denver City Government, Denver PD and the Denver FD have treated this marginalized community. You'll see stories of how intent Denver City Gov. is at trying to jail me and shut down my vocal stance in preserving peoples rights to simply survive, while living homeless.

Government sucks. It destroys everything it touches. It seldom does anything right, except violate peoples rights on the daily, force taxation and incarceration for victimless crimes while victimizing victims, repeatedly. JustUs.

Contact: [email protected]

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