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ROSE FINN music, drama, arts

769 subscribers

About ROSE FINN music, drama, arts

Rose is a Singer Songwriter, influenced by Smooth Jazz but has a wide appreciation of music of all genres. She only started after receiving a gift of recording time from friends. She then found herself writing songs, learning to play, dabbling in a variety of genres. She has been sought out to collaborate with artists from across the globe. She has had a grounding in Musical Theatre and Stage Plays as both an actor, producer and director. She loves to perform live whenever she can. Rose writes most of her songs but has recorded some covers too and a selection of country songs written Tom Tyson of Music Farm Studios in Cumbria
She is in recovery from serious illness and music continues to be her great pleasure . She enjoys participating in the online Indie Music Community and has made many friends#MusicIsLife
August 2021 🌹.
Email. [email protected]
#Music #OriginalMusic #Emotional #fromtheheart

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