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Bazooka Brando!!

3,160 subscribers

About Bazooka Brando!!

Hello, my Brothers and Sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ, This is my Ministry and I share the
Gospel of Jesus. He is the Son of God and He came down into the world not only
to take our place for the punishment that you and I should have received, but He paid
that debt that was unpayable. eternal labor wouldn't even make up for our debt.
Jesus rose again on the third day and He now is seated at the right hand of Father God.
May He Bless you beyond all measure.
May you seek His face while He is still able to be found.
I pray that God moves in a mighty way in your life and that you can better yet get to know Him..
Just let Him into your heart Jesus has been knocking for a long time..
All He wants to do is come in and dine with you,

I love you guy's God bless you all.

----Bazooka Brando!!

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