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Let's Grow Young

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About Let's Grow Young

Ever wondered if the secret to youthfulness is tucked away in our DNA and emotional well-being? Dive into the world of "Let's Grow Young", where Sanj Pathak, a competitor among elite athletes, a global banking executive and just a ‘normal’ Dad attempts to uncover the essence of a vibrant life.

Beyond his remarkable career, Sanj boasts a curious secret: he may be chronologically 46, but biologically he's in his 30s. With the zeal of someone who has hacked the code to lifelong vitality, Sanj is here to decipher the tapestry of bio-hacking, wellness, and the art of ageing backwards so that it is accessible and understandable to the ‘regular guy!’.

Drawing from two decades of rich experiences and trained by the influential Jay Shetty, Sanj's Longevity formula is more than just a podcast; it's an invitation to join him on this journey to unravel what works and what is just a myth to reconnect with that zest and energy that often gets overshadowed by the hustle of life.

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