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Ellie on Earth 🌎

1,920 subscribers

About Ellie on Earth 🌎

Hi! I'm Ellie on Earth, Let's Save Some Money! I have stumbled into the world of Cash Stuffing and Savings Challenges and absolutely LOVING it!!!!! I believe we should all keep learning new things, as it keeps one young, interested in life, provides new challenges/struggles and provide such a sense of confidence upon completion. So... besides joining the savings community, I have started this YouTube channel. This is something I've wanted to do for several years but hesitant to try. I decided to just jump in and start and I'll learn how to do it along the way. I hope you’ll join me in my journey. 😎

My Etsy Store

Ellie on Earth
4730 W Bancroft St Unit 3
Toledo, OH 43615

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