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About Vher

Ayyy, I'd have to say my favorite pasta is either rotini or penne. But oh I got a tale about spaghetti. My buddy, Vinnie, he's like a brother to me, but one time he overcooked some spaghetti! The pasta, it was all mushy! You can't eat that! On top of that, he served it with marinara instead of tomato sauce and provolone instead of parmigiano! I was already fumin, so when Vinnie bumped into me while I was eatin I yelled so loud the whole neighbahood heard me; "Ayyyy, I'm eatin spaghetti 'ere!" There was a flurry of hands all around me as I continued yelling; "The spaghetti, the marinara, the provolone! All this, and on the day of my daughter's wedding nonetheless! Ayyy, ravioli, ravioli, give me the spaghetti-oli! Ayyy!" Mama mia, that was one spicy meatball. Let's just say Vinnie got a cannoli where cannoli don't belong.

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