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EldoRa & Siman

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EldoRa & Simanの説明

Expert Quantum Metatronic Healers, Galactic Shamans & Wisdom Keepers of New Earth💕✨

🧬💎 Check out our extensive Library of highly transformational ASCENSION Workshops, Spiritual Courses, & DNA Activations:

Eldora & Siman are Ascension Guides, New Earth Leaders and Blueprint Holders for humanity as Earth transitions from 3D to 5D Consciousness.They assist individuals helping them SKYROCKET in their abundance, self-healing, and soul’s highest expansion for a guided path of Ascension. They are a Cosmic Couple here on a beautiful Divine Mission as New Earth Wayshowers.

They are Metatronic Healers, Angelic Channels, and 432 Hz Christed-Frequency house music DJ’s specializing in Quantum Healing, Entity Removal, Merkaba Activation & Pleiadian KA Light Circuitry Work.

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🔥 New Earth Music Festival HOUSE OF RA: - IG @wearethehouseofra

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