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Yuval Ricklis

114 subscribers

About Yuval Ricklis

Hello! My name is Yuval Ricklis and I'm a musician, piano teacher, world traveller, and a polyglot :)
In this channel you'll find my favorite classical, jazz, and contemporary pieces along with my own improvisation and style.
Leave a comment with a song request, and make sure to like and subscribe :)

Ig: @yuvalrick
Email: [email protected]
Or otherwise +34 617 34 9847

"The problem in music today is... they say well this guy's a classical pianist and this guy's a jazz musician, and he can never play Chopin and that guy could never improvise over Bach because it ain't jazz.... when you label music like that; when you put a label on art; you limit it... that's how classical music died. In my community, all music is music."
- my mentor, Amonte Jon Parsons -

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