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Dr.Options Bubble Craps, etc...

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About Dr.Options Bubble Craps, etc...

Middle-aged former Molecular Biologist that enjoys indulging in many of the so-called "Male Vices" such as Gaming, Gambling, Ganja, Canines, Chicas, Consumables, MMA, Movies, and Mycology.

If you'd like a good description as to why and how I implement this style of play, then I suggest you watch this Session:

Here's a link to the entire Roll History:…

Please recognize the potential volatility of the playing style and that I have no clue about it's sustainability or likelihood of profitability, so please cautiously attempt at your own risk. Also note that it's gambling, so we all likely lose in the end, except the casino.

Please note that I don't think the @dr.options "Juice the Bets" style of play translates well to Live Craps, so please maintain even more caution there.

Thanks for the support!

- Doc

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