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The Mirandalorian

125,000 subscribers

About The Mirandalorian

Come for games, stay for the vibes! My favorite genre's are action, adventure, RPG, open world, but my FAVORITE parts are the stories! I also talk a lot, get very emotionally invested, make lots of mistakes, and have many MiranDUHHH moments! My main focus is having fun! :)

You will see other videos like vlogs, unboxings, reactions, etc! I hope you enjoy the random things you will find here on my channel!

Videos typically go live on Mondays, Wednesdays, or Fridays (EST)!

PO box: currently unavailable! Check back later!

Want to send a nice letter? Fan-only email: [email protected]

I will try to respond to as many as I can when I can, but just know how grateful I am for you guys <3

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