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Tilopa Seek

11 subscribers

About Tilopa Seek

Hi! I'm Trinley Wangmo--WELCOME!

This channel has been long in the making. I'm a domestic abuse victim who also found out that the worst harms done to me were, incidentally, also the result of serious government discrimination (the discrimination was anchored in their LAW and that law had to change in September 2021 to reverse at least one of the harms done to me). Numerous German lawyers told me to go "suck it" and warned me not even to DARE go public about any of it. And, I've been terrified, because they also do not protect people against attacks by their home-grown Neo-Nazis... but I'm getting ahead of myself...

Well, I'm not letting any of that stop me, so I started making travel videos of Germany beginning in May 2023, in search of my true identity. Join me here, to see what I discover and how I overcome poverty, PTSD, loneliness, and deep-seated, justifiable anger.

May all who see this benefit.

Thanks for joining me on my journey towards enlightenment--Aho!

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