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Divine Feminine Coaching

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Información sobre Divine Feminine Coaching

Welcome to my channel!!!! My name is Alicia. This is my greatest passion to support the Divine Feminine collective to feel powerful, to shine our light and to live the most inspired version of ourselves.

This planet needs our loving hearts....To do this we must feel whole within first. We are here to share our gifts to this planet . I will be sharing daily videos, tips and real action steps you can take in, order to shine our blessings and hearts on to this world.

Why I am so passionate about this is because I felt like I was giving way more then I was receiving. 10 years ago I did not feel heard. I lost my voice. I was constantly giving my power away. Through many years of working on myself, through trainings, leadership and empowerment work I found my authentic heart and stopped people pleasing. Now it is my mission to share this knowledge with you.

Your power is limitless!!!!

I’m sending you much love and light.

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