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190 subscribers

About V1CT0R1A_PL4YZ

hi! im victoria, but you may call my vic, vicky, victor (for jokes), and other nicknames u can come up with!

please don’t recreate any of my vents and credit me if u use one of my ideas!

collab status: open

i usually make roblox and gacha contact from time to time, but i sometimes make other content.

i only do this for a hobby and do not plan to make money off of YouTube. maybe I’ll do it in a few years?

roblox: V1CT0R1ARBLX

discord: gacha kid#1567

pls respect anyone and everyone no matter language, religion and other such! i would like my comment section to be a safe space for all.

welp, i have nothin else to say. thanks so much for spending your time reading this!

have a good day/night!

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