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Hello! I'm a Canadian animator who has created Minecraft animations since 2013! I offer short test animations, which is going to change very soon, and that's about it! Subscribe! :)

(September 24th, 2016)
Apparently there are a ton of people who don't know how to spell Heavenira. In response, I've decided to tag all the incorrectly spelled Heavenira's over here just so the search engine favors it. Nuff' said, here ya go,
Hevenira Heavinira Hevinira Hevenera Heavenera Heavinera Havinira Hevineera Heaveneera Heavenria

Subscriber Goals:
✓ 100 August 28th, 2014
✓ 1,000 February 1st, 2016
✓ 2,000 November 15th, 2017
✓ 3,000 April 18th, 2018
5,000 (???)
10,000 (???)
20,000 (???)
50,000 (???)
100,000 (???)

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