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Gina Bizzaro's Ghosts

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Gina Bizzaro's Ghostsの説明

Welcome to my channel..Paranormal exploration, Astoria, Oregon walkthroughs and sightseeing, including movie locations- wanna see the Goonies house? Or the jail, or the jeep? I got this! Come on a fun virtual tour of the sunday market..its lots of fun! I'll take you underground to the infamous Astoria Underground's where the ghosts of Astorias dead have haunted for over 100 years. Come see the famous shipwrecked Peter Iredale ship, right where it wrecked 100 years ago. Do high places make you dizzy? I got this covered too!! Come with me as I climb the beautiful and historic Astoria Column..the view from the top is breathtaking!!
And lots more!!
Never boring, lots of fun, lots to explore, and ghosts galore!!
Hope you like my videos!! Xoxo

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