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I am a subject composed of many chapters, each building the story. Questing for answers, to questions still being formed. Realizing how precious the value of silence becomes within the passage of time. When paper & pen control the turning of each page. Discovering treasures peeking from around the strangest of corners. When confronted by the reflection of who I have grown to become, the honesty of the subject is as unwelcomed as the wrinkles upon my face. It is to delight upon each discovery, each addition to a paragraph thats being written, that the tale hurries to complete. When questioning myself upon the direction of each days journey ahead, one asks why is it not a day when nothing needs to be said, thus returning into the warmth of my disheaveled bed. Where Upon I gracefully replace vision with the softness of slumbers sleep. While traveling beyond realities reach, to understand what dreams could or should be made of. Somewhere, somehow ,someday all will be realized finally.

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