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Renaat Marchand

38 subscribers

About Renaat Marchand

Sharing and learning is what will keep me active and healthy, doing the things I love the most. Making choices and finding the time for it all are critical. My passion and respect for nature and all living creatures motivated me to start my own Youtube Channel so that I can share my activities with you. We do live quite isolated on this island surrounded by the Pacific Ocean, lush forests and mountains. A never ending supply of things to do and see will feed this channel on a regular basis, like once every two weeks or so. Recording my interests and sharing them with you will hopefully spark your creativity as well. Art, photography, woodworking, fitness, hiking, my garden, birds and animals will all become part of my future postings. If you learn to see then there are no limits to our creativity. My wish is to inspire you, touch you and paint a smile on your faces. The images will speak for themselves so that you can watch and learn in a very relaxed way. Enjoy

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