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63 subscribers

About Lara

Alola! I'm Lara, and I'm 19. I'm an aspiring gamer obsessed with like... everything Nintendo! And I do mean everything.

My channel consists of a lot of feh content (Fire Emblem Heroes) and some other stuff like Smash Ultimate, Splatoon, and Pokémon. Check it out if you’d like!

I'm one of those unnoticed gamers, and I'm not the best either. I like to play competitively casually, and when I play competitive I get wrecked, but when I play casual I win too much. Welp, that's life I guess.

Recently I've taken to uploading some of my Splatoon 3 clips. They're just of my quick moments and stuff. Sadly, my capture card isn't compatible with my mac so these clips are taken directly from the switch.


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