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Mallen Baker

23,500 subscribers

About Mallen Baker

Creating 'dangerously reasonable' content on politics, science, and particularly the bit where they bump into each other.

I aim to give an independent, fact-focused, non-ideological take on the issues that matter.

I look at the research and analysis without preconception, and talk frankly about what I find. You quickly find that some of the things you thought you knew for sure turn out not to have any solid basis - alongside the things that do, of course! Follow the channel to be challenged and entertained, probably occasionally infuriated!

Mallen spent two decades developing approaches to corporate social responsibility with some of the leading corporations in the UK and across the world. Before that, he dabbled in sort-of politics, initially as a Co-Chair and Principal Speaker with the Greens, and then latterly on the Federal Policy Committee of the Lib Dems and Chair of the Green Lib Dems. Mallen has been an unaffiliated floating voter for two decades since then.

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