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TamRon RVing Carnivores

11 subscribers

About TamRon RVing Carnivores

Ron is 64 yrs old and Tammie is 62 yrs old, retired. So can we travel around the USA in a RV on a limited budget! Well, we are about to find out. In the beginning we are doing short trips (3-5 days) to make sure we are set up and ready to go for a full time RV lifestyle, in Mid-September.
We have chosen a Carnivore Lifestyle to better our health and have been successful on this journey. Ron has lost over 100 lbs since July 2020 and Tammie has lost 68 lbs since Oct 2020. Now this has not come without challenges to overcome, but it has come with great health improvements and the desire to do more with our life. Other than just sitting around and waiting for life to pass by.
We are sharing our experience and personal knowledge of our path, our discussions and shares are going to cover many aspects. Discussions: RV Living, Earning a living, Carnivore Lifestyle, Fermented Foods and Spirituality.

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