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Gerrit Vyn

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About Gerrit Vyn

I am a Wildlife Photographer and Cinematographer for the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, a Senior Fellow at the International League of Conservation Photographers and have been photographing birds and wildlife professionally for the last 25 years. I am best known for my work documenting endangered birds and conservation issues around the world including the enigmatic Spoon-billed Sandpiper. My book, The Living Bird, was a New York Times Bestseller and National Outdoor Book Award winner and my work is published regularly in magazines including National Geographic, BBC Wildlife and Audubon. My work has also been featured in media outlets including NPR's Fresh Air with Terry Gross, Morning Edition, and The New York Times. My film work has been featured in the PBS Nature series and in film festivals including Jackson Wild, Mountain Film, and the Banff World Tour.

Find me on Instagram @gerritvyn and check out my instructional book on bird photography, Photography:Birds.

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