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Carnivore Muscle

12,000 subscribers

About Carnivore Muscle

Welcome to the channel of the Original Carnivore Bodybuilder!

I'm a carnivore bodybuilder who follows a meat-only diet and trains hard to build muscle and strength. I also have spine disease, Autistic spectrum disorder and chronic fatigue, which makes my journey even more challenging and inspiring!

You'll find videos on various topics related to carnivore fitness, such as how to overcome physical and mental obstacles, how to adapt your diet and training to your condition, coping with pain and fatigue, and more. You'll see some of my progress and results, and hear from some of the people who support me and motivate me!

My goal is to help you discover the power of meat and unleash your inner beast, no matter what challenges you face. If you're interested in joining me on this journey, you can visit my website and sign up for my coaching 💪🏻

Aligning physique goals, with positive health outcomes - Jonathan Griffiths BSc

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