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Crypto With Lorenzo

1,340 subscribers

About Crypto With Lorenzo

The purpose of this channel is to equip people with some of the best information freely available about the cryptocurrency space and blockchain technology, a type of distributed ledger technology.

A neat and concise summary of blockchain technology and DLT is provided in this article by TradeIX. I appreciate them writing this piece.

The Difference Between Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology (

Furthermore, I encourage people to critically analyse what is being said in the space (on my channel too) and to do comprehensive research before investing in anything! NONE OF THE INFO I SAY OR INCLUDE IS FINANCIAL ADVICE.

Whilst I chiefly discuss top 50 coins/tokens based on current market cap in my videos, I am not a crypto maximalist (i.e. focusing the vast majority of energy one just one or two cryptos).

CC Logic

P.S. ADVERTISING - No paid endorsements. Please save your time as my answer is always no, regardless of price.

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