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Welcome and hello!
Maybe you know this, but in case you didn't, it's our time! Yes, I mean you. My name is Adriane, and I'm a Yoga Life Coach and I created this channel for black women to help with stress, depression, anxiety, mood disorders and life's up's and downs through the use of Yogic practices that have personally helped me live a happy life daily. The tools that I share on this channel are here to assist you on your wellness journey. These tools are in no way a replacement of traditional medicine or treatment that you may already be practicing. Please consult your physician before starting any new practices here in my videos. Many of the tools that I present to you may be very new to you. When I was first exposed to them, it was all new and I was a bit skeptical. But after noticing positive results, I embraced the newness and now share with women across the world. It can be bumpy out there in the real world. It is my hope that you find a soft landing here. ~A

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