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Gardner De Aguiar

1,580 subscribers

About Gardner De Aguiar

Icconoclast, Dogma Slayer, Hawaiian... born and bred!
Just yer basic Master of the Universe... well, mine anyway!

Other stuff about me:
Musician (Metal, Rock, Alternative, Reggae, Jazz)

Graphic Artist

I read some books:

"Debunked!" Richard Roeper
"Slaughterhouse Five" Kurt Vonnegut
"Demon-Haunted World" Carl Sagan
"The Gnostic Gospels" Elaine Pagels
"Reading Judas" Elaine Pagels
"The Alphabet of Manliness" Maddox
"How We Believe" Michael Shermer
"Invasion of the Party Snatchers" Victor Gold
"Letter to a Christian Nation" Sam Harris
"End of Faith" Sam Harris
"The God Delusion" Richard Dawkins
"God Is Not Great" Christopher Hitchins
"King James Bible" (various/translation)

Want to change the world? THINK, and encourage others to think.

Peace out, Jerky!

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