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I am an #itinerantcraftsman. I have hammers, little anvils, and other sorts of things I bang on while tinkering with bits of. silver. Only the little torches make it to festivals and markets - it's a rule of my insurance folks. I need to order a few more stamps because I do use them from time to time and they seem to get lost so easily. I have many pairs of pliers, but all are used regularly, and for those I use most I have a favorite brand. Those favorites have the tips sanded to suit my purposes for that pair. Most recently I've started offering permanent jewelry. That's done with a very small TIG welder - lots of fun!
This YouTube channel is about my life as an itinerant craftsman working in silver. If you'd like to see my work check out designskent on Instagram/Facebook, or come see me at a festival and I'm happy to talk about it more.
Trademark registration number 6975954

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