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About Deadeye

My name is Aaron/Deadeye, I reside in the Pacific North West and I’m 34 years old. I have 5 kids married and love to game.
I just started this whole streaming thing and I would really like to see if I can take this somewhere, make a community of awesome gamers doing what we love. When I’m not on gaming I’m looking at anything and everything gaming, interacting with other gamers, playing with friends and especially enjoy teaching people the nerdy things I’ve picked up along the way!
I first picked up a control I was I believe 4 years old!
I hope to continue working toward that dream of being recognized as a competitive gamer yet on the flip side someone you can always come to for questions and help to progress yourself in the game too! I’m gonna be around for the long haul and I greatly appreciate your support! Hope to see you guys all soon on the battlefield! 🤙🏻

Here are a few other places you can find me:

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